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Akazawa Japanese Knife
堺打刃物伝統工芸士 池田美和
YOSHIKAZU IKEDA Sakai Forged Knife Master Craftsman
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I apprenticed myself to my father in 1967 wondering whether I could get over the summer staring at the redden charcoal in front of me. Luckily, since then, I have been engaged in knife production founding Ikeda Tanrenjo in 1983. I don’t think I am clever with my hands. Or rather, my hands are clumsy and stubborn. Stubborn enough to do the same job without boring. Can hammer the metal over and over, again and again.
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1988年 経済産業大臣認定伝統工芸士
1999年 堺市商工功績賞
2004年 近畿経済産業局長表彰
2014年 大阪府優勝技能者表彰(なにわの名工)
1988 METI-designated Master of Traditional Crafts
1999 Sakai City Special Contribution Award
2004 Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award
2014 Osaka Prefectural Award “Master Craftsman in Naniwa”
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Akazawa Hokoshin Ao-ichi-ko Mizu-Honyaki
Akazawa Hokoshin Shiro-ichi-ko Mizu-Honyaki
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